Vodka «Severnoe Siyanie» 40% («Northern Lights»)

Vodka is made of high quality alcohol.

Those who prefer vodka of all alcoholic drinks, when choosing it, they want this drink to have a soft taste, clean aroma — without fusel tones, and most important — without health consequences the next day. Therefore, although any vodka consists of alcohol and water, all the desired qualities of the finished product depend on only two factors — the quality of the raw materials and the technology used. This is what makes the classic vodka “Severnoe Siyanie” of 40% strength special

However, in order to achieve the desired product quality, it is necessary to follow some technological features. The finished blend must be passed through birch activated carbon, as invented by the author of vodka — the great Russian scientist Dmitry Mendeleev. And then through quartz sand.

Tasting characteristics: This vodka differs from many other types of vodka by its rich taste. Vodka “Severnoe Siyanie” will always be different from other types of vodka because of its wonderful aftertaste.

Gastronomic characteristics: It is recommended to use both during meals, and before and after. It goes well with pickles, meat, fish dishes, desserts, fruits and vegetables.

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